26 Aug Thoughts and Prayers
Image credit: Master Steve Rapport.
This week saw mass shooting number 145 in just the first three months and a bit of this year. This one in Kentucky. The shooting took place in a bank, the shooter’s workplace. This idiot killed five of his colleagues. Fortunately, he was killed by the police, but not before he shot a policeman in the head.
The shooter used an AR15, a ridiculous gun to be used on our streets. But even more ridiculous, the state of Kentucky has a law that requires this gun to be turned back to the police, who will then have to auction it off, so that this military grade idiotic weapon goes back into circulation!
Of course the politicians, both nationally and local, were quick to offer what they called “Thoughts and Prayers”. They were not talking about doing anything about guns, they were saying “we are thinking of you, we have sympathy for the victims and their family and friends”. That must be such a comfort for them! Quick, somebody please give me a large bucket to puke in!!!
Of course we hear a few politicians say “we have to do something”. But they never do. The NRA is too powerful and they are too slimy to even risk not being re-elected by a few idiot constituents
Shootings in schools, in supermarkets, in churches, at workplaces, at parades, in theaters. It is absolutely disgraceful that none of these politicians think it’s worth doing something about guns on our streets.
What do they think that their prayers will fix? Remember the demonstrations during the Vietnam War where one of the slogans was “God is dead or God is deaf”? For God to be allowing this kind of massacre is absolutely unthinkable, so your prayers are falling on his deaf ears. But you know this. You just don’t care.
If God exists, and somehow has not gone deaf, he (or she) will want you to fix this shit. So don’t give us your phony prayers thinking that will fix everything. It won’t.
It is up to good people to fix this, and those of you that don’t do anything about this, but have the ability and the power to do it, you are not good people