28 Aug Jim Jordan
Image credit: Gage Skidmore
Does anybody really like Jim Jordan? It is hard to imagine. He is nothing more then a glory
hunter of average intelligence and no scruples or principles whatsoever, other than that he wants
to promote his own career. For him life decisions are only made for the greater glory of Jim
The big mistake he seems to be making is that he does not understand that this makes him
incredibly unpopular, if not straight out disgusting to large portion of this country. But he
only seems to care about his popularity with the former president. One man without any socially
redeeming qualities trying to curry favor with another.
John Boehner was right when he called Jim Jordan a political terrorist. Jim is often referred to as
Ted Cruz in the extreme. Given Ted’s weaselly, racist, homophobic, fascist, and spineless
character that comparison is quite a statement.
But Jim Jordan is much more dangerous than Ted Cruz. Jim is absolutely ruthless in spreading
his lies. He is sitting so deep up the backside of the former guy that he can’t get out. He firmly
believes that it is the best way to further his career to be the self appointed henchman for the
former guy. And for Jim Jordan all that matters is his career. He will stop at nothing.
Recently he took his judicial committee to New York. Ostensibly this was for the house
committee to investigate, and hear witnesses about, the crime level in New York which he stated
was ridiculous. Of course what he didn’t say is that the crime level in New York is considerably
lower than in his own state of Ohio. It was simply a political ploy to put pressure on Alvin
Bragg, the prosecutor who has indicted the former president.It was no more than a political stunt
paid for with tax money.
In his past there is a great example of his willingness to be the slimiest of all slimes.
When he was an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University it was brought to his
attention by a number of students that the head coach was sexually abusing them in the showers
for years. And what did Jim do about it? He buried the story. He did absolutely nothing about it,
because he did not want to get involved with that which would hurt his political ambitions.
Jim Jordan is an example of what is the worst in humanity. This guy does not belong in our
politics, he belongs in Bellevue.